nedjelja, 2. prosinca 2012.

                          - THE  VISION  - OPN - SITE TALK -

We believe that one person can affect the entire world. But only if he or she inspires and helps others. We've created a smooth and most professional platform that inspires people to reach each other, strengthen and support.

Our Task

 OPN is dedicated to creating a platform for individuals, which will fulfill their aspirations as a complete solution in one place:

Build financial and business success
Positively affect others
Learn, develop and grow
Being a part of the development of something larger than ourselves
Contribute to global social compliance

Our Goals

Become the number one global direct-selling companies, which is devoted to the fulfillment of what we tend to our distributors, and is committed to be a leader in the industry and creating new paradigms in business methodology,

Do something that nobody has been done in the online social networking, network marketing and distribution partnership.
Being part of a group of companies that add value for our shareholders, our partners and our customers.
Be dynamic, responsive and caring partner to our distribution managers.

subota, 1. prosinca 2012.

The greatest business opportunity of our time

Every now and then, maybe twice or three times in a lifetime, an opportunity comes along that has the potential to change your life in a pivot a l way. They are usually to do with fundamental changes in the technological landscape, or political, social, and economic frame work of our lives. For instance, to give a specific examples, something as concrete as the microwave oven, something no one had, became a universal appliance that everyone has. If you are forty years old, if you stop to think about it, you can remember a time when you did not have a mobile phone, but if you are younger than that a mobile phone and permanent connectivity is something you have always had. Computers is the same paradigm-shifting product. And the Internet even more so.

Did you make a fortune on microwave ovens, mobile phones, computers or the Internet?

If you didn't, you know exactly what we are driving at here. And if you did, you understand even more so.

In our time, the number one business opportunity in the world is not the web, it is web 3.0.

Web 3.0 and Social Networking

According to Microsoft we have passed a significant watershed: now for the first time people are spending more time online than they spend watching television. For the younger generation this is self-evident, and for the older folks something that is hard to get our heads around. The fundamental shift in how the web is driving business is this: at first it was largely about creating a network that was a meaningful communication platform; then it became about driving traffic, SEO(search engine optimisation) and getting eyeballs on websites; but the trend now is in how people on the web are connecting to each other and how in that process they are largely creating the content of the web. Social Networking Communities, well deservedly, is recognised by analysts and pundits as a force of change that is literally unimaginable in its scope.

 is giving you the opportunity to be part of this revolution and capitalise on it directly -- to make money on a certain world-changing trend.

How would it work for you is our Social Networking Community platform. In the first instance you would join as a member of Site-Talk and enjoy the networking, communication and sharing opportunities built into our state of the art platform de-signed by award-winning developers.

Over time you would recommend it to friends and family, people you know today and people in the future you don't know yet. Over time, though the geometric progression inherent in how networks work, with a few people finding a few people who in turn find a few, you will build up a vast network of people, the majority of which you wouldn't even know. As products and services are made available to to the dozens, hundreds and thousands of people in your SiteTalk net-work, sales would be generated and on this sales-volume commissions would be calculated... and given to you as a thanks for bringing these members to our community.

Sounds too simple?

Consider this: Facebook after four years has 400 million members. In four years! How did every single one of them join? Because someone recommended it. Word of mouth in the 21st century...

What sort of opportunity "range" is there here?

The majority of members of OPN  will, ultimately, just be social members enjoying the benefits of using the platform. The commission plan for the ones that opt into the opportunity might "just" qualify them for purchases of occasional goods or services -- free bonus items or gifts, call them what you will, but a free insurance, debit card, hotel stay or nutritional supplement is a nice way for us to say, "Thank you for recommending our community."

Others will see that what was at first a surprise bonus, turned into a trickle, and then grew into a steady stream of sup-plemental income. And just with a little bit of maintenance this supplemental income could grow, changing someone's break-even budget into a real lifestyle changer. The difference between having a holiday this year or not, between taking your wife out for dinner this week or not, between having an old car or a new one.

Of course, in a community that numbers millions of members, literally thousands will approach the OPN  opportunity in a serious manner, and put in significant effort to earn a significant primary income. And finally, there will be the few that approach it totally differently --they will see that opportunities like OPN  only come along once or twice in a lifetime. These people will commit and will make OPN  the vehicle with which to fulfill their dreams. We anticipate that we will create more millionaires than any other company in Direct Selling has done; we believe that we will give dot-com millionaire numbers a run for the money.

What can a person expect to earn?

We don't give income projections in a simplistic fashion. It is impossible. Like most menus will tell you, there is no such thing as a free lunch. If you put 20 items on eBay you know that you will get some sales, but it is impossible to say how much. And significant commissions usually involve significant efforts.

What is the timing and why is it so powerful?

The timing is phenomenal. Everyone is getting online. Everyone online is going to be a member of multiple communities.

Consider that using an online community at the centre of the business model gives you a number of benefits in Direct Selling terms: like never before can you have a fast friction-free method to add people to your business; you have no geographical limits to how you can expand your business Globally; you have built in to the business an automatic communication, coordination and training platform; you have a thing you are promoting that everyone is interested in, as social communities and web 3.0 is what everyone is talking about now; and finally, in terms of duplicatable process and helping new people get started and getting early success, the one thing that people have to do to be successful is what they join a social community to do -- get their friends to join the programe to enjoy a free and life-enhancing service.

What support will you get

* Training.
* Free back office.
* Promotional tools.
* Company sponsored events.
* Industry-leading recruitment materials.
* Car programe for qualified distributors.
* The best compensation plan in the industry. Probably.
* Motivational incentives, like trips to exotic tropical paradise destinations.
* A whole team of people, both in corporate and in your up line network, 100% dedicated to your success.

What skills do you need?

* Desire.
* Everything else is included in the  OPN opportunity.

How would I get started?

* Decide.
* Speak to the person who invited you.
* Read the materials in the relevant sections of the website.
* Go to a live training.
* Invite people to join SiteTalk. They will be automatically be positioned in your down line. And as they invite people, so will your organisation grow.

Enjoy the ride and register for free at

Look in the future !!

Rune Evensen is CEO and Co-founder of The Opportunity Network – Site Talk (OPN).
Rune was born in Haugesund, Norway, has a Bachelor in economy and risk management, is married and 44 years. He lives in Singapore.
The SiteTalk community has approximately 12-15 million registered users while OPN has approximately 300,000 activated profiles. OPN combines powerful business and social trends with a direct selling compensation plan.
Sitetalk is a free social community rewarding you for building a social network through personal referrals.
Ted Nuyten had the honor to interview Rune Evensen.
Rune, how did you get involved in Direct Selling? What was your first experience?
I first had a brief introduction to this industry back in 1998 through a company named Natures Own when I lived in Norway. I didn’t really “get it” back then and I (sorry to say) didn’t really believe much of what the lady presenting it to me said. But nevertheless, for some strange reason, I did sign up, and I tried it for a short while.
I didn’t really get seriously interested in Direct Selling until 2002 when a lot of companies dealing with virtual/online based products started coming to Norway and Scandinavia. Pretty soon I really “got it”, and said to myself that “I can really do this!” From the second I made that decision I have been committed to this business model.
What attracted you to this business model?
The simple idea of “the people’s franchise”. My business life prior to MLM had its ups and downs as most people experience with running their own businesses and with being employed by someone else. A part of that past was successful, and other parts not so successful (to put it nicely). One of my companies faced bankruptcy.
Having “been there” at the very bottom, you realise that it takes a lot of money to start your own business, and when you have lost it all, it is even harder to find the means to start over again. The high potential combined with the low entry makes Direct Selling an easy choice.
How did you get the idea to start The Opportunity Network – Site Talk?
In all fairness I did not come up with the idea of SiteTalk. It was presented to me as a vision in early 2009, and I just loved the idea instantly, and I booked a meeting with the founder and some of the investors on the spot. Their MLM model looked a bit different back then, and I suggested some changes in order to bring it to a part of the world where I had a lot of contacts (Asia). Soon afterwards, I was hired to be the CEO and I moved to Hong Kong to set up our first office there.
Can you explain the business model from a distributor point of view? What are the benefits?
Well, how many hours will you give me? The core business explained with very few words would be to imagine GROUPON, EBAY, AMAZON, HERBALIFE and NUSKIN having a meeting in Mark Zuckerberg’s living room, and making a mutual decision to combine forces. We do group buying and direct selling/MLM through a social community. This is the basic explanation given to me on day one and I just totally saw it.
I understand that you can join OPN for free, but then there are upgrades.  What are the benefits of the upgrades?
SiteTalk and OPN have two different compensation plans. SiteTalk is a social community where you can earn redeemable credits through your personally invited friends’ actions (1 level only), whereas OPN is “The Opportunity Network”, and it’s here where we pre-bundle a variety of our products into Advantage Packages.
Through buying and selling these products, Members accumulate BV (Business Value points), which allow the Member to achieve higher ranks in the compensation plan. The compensation plan opens for multiple levels of commission, and therefore higher earnings. Have in mind that these packages do NOT have to be bought, because you can accumulate the same amount of BV through personal purchases and/or sales to achieve the higher ranks. So actually, you can go from being a FREE SiteTalk/OPN Member to achieve the highest rank without ever paying in a single cent (if you are good at selling that is).
I believe OPN has around 1 million members. Is that correct?
No, that is not correct. The confusion often occurs since we have both the network of OPN and the social media platform of SiteTalk. The SiteTalk community has approximately 12-15 million registered users while OPN has approximately 300,000 activated profiles. But if you take into account that every SiteTalk Member can also, at their own free will, activate their free OPN membership, the number for OPN potentially can be a lot higher.
You started in Norway but relocated the HQ to Singapore.  What was the reason behind this?
I lived in Norway when I first saw the opportunity, but having built networks in both Norway and in Asia before, Norway was never really the first option for me. I made it clear from day one that I would like to bring this opportunity to all my contacts in Asia, and therefore I moved to Hong Kong and brought the business with me, and then later established the Global Headquarters in Singapore. And that has proved to be a very good move for the company.
What are the main countries for OPN?
Central Europe is one of our strongest markets these days with very strong groups working from out from Hungary, Slovenia, Poland, Austria etc… We also have a good market in Scandinavia. Our biggest market by far is Asia with countries like Hong Kong, Taiwan, Philippines, etc. Although we have not opened our OPN business in the USA yet, we do have a growing market in Canada, and also some in South America.
Is there a cultural difference in Europe and the USA compared to the Asian markets?
Yes, I would definitely say so. At the leadership level we see mostly the same attitudes and respect towards the business. All groups seem to equally strive for self-development through our coaching and training programs etc. It looks to me that more people do the business full-time in Asia compared to Europe.
In Asia you will fill a venue at lunch-time on a Tuesday, but in Europe you need to plan meetings according to weekends and evenings.  Both markets have the same quality of leadership in my mind, and what really pleases me is to see the different parts of the world come together as one big family which we refer to as the SiteTalk family.
What are your plans and goals for the future?
Expanding! We are currently in the process of obtaining full MLM licenses, E-commerece licenses, and import/export licenses in several key markets. Of course, one of the biggest plans that is actually now much more than just a plan, is the listing process of the SiteTalk Community which we intend to do later this year.
For both SiteTalk and OPN we have a lot of new stuff coming up just around the corner, but it would be unfair to our Members to read about it first here, so I will keep some of that candy to myself for now. Parts of it will be released within weeks, and some will be launched at our next Global Convention in Hungary this October.